"Cloisonné" is a beautiful and intricate technique that has been practiced around the world for centuries. Among the most well-known types are Chinese cloisonné and Italian glass cloisonné, which both have their own unique characteristics and histories.
Chinese cloisonné, also known as Jintai blue, is one of the oldest and most highly-regarded forms of cloisonné in the world. This technique involves using copper or bronze wires to create compartments on the surface of an object, which are then filled with colorful enamel to create intricate designs.
Italian glass cloisonné, on the other hand, is created using similar techniques but with glass as the base material. This technique is known for its vivid colors and delicate, translucent appearance.
Other types of cloisonné can be found in various regions around the world, including in Japan, Russia, and the Middle East. Each of these techniques has its own unique characteristics and history, making them a fascinating and beautiful addition to any collection of cloisonné art.
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